Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Presidential Honesty

The president of the United States should be as honest as his tough job lets him be. But if telling the truth can put people in harms way, then the government can lie to the public. It is the presidents job to keep the people of the country safe, and if it requires saying one lie to save the public from harm, then it is well worth it. The government should not lie about economic policies or hardships, but it is okay for him to lie about foreign affairs. in a day when anybody can find out what you say within minutes, the president should carefully watch what he says. A good example of a president lying that is not good is when president Nixon lied about the Watergate scandal. He knew certain details about the incident, and instead of being a man and owning up to his mistakes, he lied to the nation and lost trust in millions of citizens. The lie also didn't help save anyone, if anything it hurt the nation. Although the president should be truthful to his fullest, if the lie is for the good of the nation, then it is okay to lie.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Why Trickle-Down Effects Work

Trickle Down Effects works for multiple reasons. The main reason why the trickle down effect works is because if the wealthy get taxes as much as the poor, then the wealthy will have more money to spend on investments thus creating jobs for the poor. It is not a overnight effect that most people want, but over time the solution lasts, and gets the poor jobs, which in return stimulates the economy. When the poor gets more rich, they are able to spend money, giving the rich more money to invest, furthering the percentage of lower class workers. This will bring the lower class closer to the higher class, which will balance the economy.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Mark Cuban Comments; Highly disputed

Mark Cuban once again became the face of Sports Center when he came out Thursday by saying that he is a prejudice, just like the rest of us. He also said "I'm bigoted in a lot of different ways", and the line that stuck with us most which was " If I was walking down the street and I saw a young black kid in a hoodie, I'm walking to the other side. And if on the other side of the street there is a skinhead white guys full of tattoos, I'm walking right back to the other side." Now this is a prime example of how hypocritical we are as a society. His whole message was that all of us; black, white, yellow, orange, pink, green, or blue, we all have prejudice. The difference between what we do and what he did was he came out and admitted it. Yes, it may have not been the best time too say the specific examples as he used, but what he said is very true, and we all think that. You cannot punish someone for their fears, especially if the fears go along with stats. Now a lot of people say they are not prejudice and don't discriminate, but put yourself as a parent. You have a 8 year old kid, would you be scared if he was by himself in the front yard and a black man in a sweatshirt or a skinhead white man with tattoos was about to walk right past him? would you want your kid to go up to that person and say hi? Or would you have a talk and say" don't talk to those type of people"? What if the circumstances were the same, but the man was a 25 year old man dressed up in a suit on the phone. Would you care if your son went up and said hi? So ask yourself this, am I really prejudice? I think it's time to finally admit the truth and stop living in a lie.

Oklahoma City Thunder

The city of Oklahoma City misses Surge Ibaka more than anyone at the current moment. Ibaka, averaging the most blocks per game in the NBA, is a vital force for the Thunder. Without his presence, newly acquired Caron Butler is raising his minutes, and filling them well. But Caron does one thing superbly well, and that is score the basketball. The problem is the Thunder already have the best scorer in the league, the MVP Kevin Durant. With Russell Westbrook also on the court, the one thing the Thunder do not lack is scoring. That's why Ibaka meshed so well with the core group of players OKC has, he is a big man that is not scared of taking hard fouls. He puts his body out there every single night and takes blow after blow, but he protects the rim like it is his own baby. Without him there, the Thunder loose their true identity on defense, a rim blocking close out team that may let you take quality shots, but every shot will be contested with out a doubt. With Ibaka out. Kendrick Perkins and Caron Butler are going to have to figure out how to get energy back into the team. Down 2-0 in the series, they will look to bounce back Sunday at Chesapeake Arena against the San Antonio Spurs.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Vietnam War Protest Songs

1. The basic ideas I get from the song are that the conditions in the war were very harsh. The people who fought in the war were poor soldiers, and they did not want to be on the front lines.
2. The audience is getting the feeling that the war was a very sad time. The soldiers were mostly drafted, and therefor did not want to participate in the day to day combat.
3. The lyrics are talking about Vietnam, but they never specifically say that. The song was published during the era that the Vietnam was being fought, and it has all the feelings that the war had.
4. There are many connections between the culture and the song. They both have a sad, mellow mood that is changing all the time.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Memoirs of a "Nam Vet"

We have been here for 29 straight hours with no sleep, fighting for my life. Every time I think we are about to get a break, we heard a bomb go off in the horizon, which is fairly close to us. It is very alarming knowing how close these man killing weapons can get to you without you even knowing they are there until the ear piercing sound blasts through the air. The scariest part isn't even from the communist, it is from our Jet Fighter Bombers that drop the bombs without having a lot information of where everyone is and where the enemy lines are. This piece of war craft was the cause of the death of my best friend, Sam who died while trying to advance into enemy lines for a lookout. If that wasn't hard enough, I was shot two days ago. With the hardships out army has been through, I should be lucky that this is the only injury I have suffered. The South Vietnamese does not was us here, ironically because that is the whole reason why we are here. I do not feel like any of us should be here as American Solders, this is where our villains who are on death row should be. This is not a war, this is a mass murder.

Friday, May 2, 2014

NBA Playoffs

The 2014 NBA playoffs have been energy, upset filled with lots of surprise and action. The 2 time defending champs Miami Heat are off to a great start going 4-0, and not cooling down one bit. They took 4 straight against the Washington Wizards, owned by the best player to every dribble a basketball; Michael Jordan. The most memorial moment came in game 4 when Dwayne Wade got the rebound and passed it up to the most overrated and over talked about player in sports history, LeBron James. As he raced from the backcourt on the fast break, it was obvious that a over talked about average dunk was coming. The dunk was not that special, but the way the cocky forward carried it out was. He stared right at the Wizard bench at none other than Michael Jordan, as saying I bet you can't do this. Now it was a good play, but I would love to see him make that against a Clippers team with Blake Griffin and Chris Paul steaming down the court to pack the ball and send him back to high school. But he had John Wall chasing him, who was already in foul trouble early and help up to let the fans go crazy over a average dunk. You can take the first series against a bad eastern conference 8 seed Washington Wizards how ever you would like, but I guarantee all of you the Miami Heat will not win a NBA championship this year. Who will? Oklahoma City? They\ do have the best player in the league in Kevin Durant. Whoever wins the 2014 NBA championship, it will not be LeBron James standing up there giving a drama show on how much he is tankful for his family and how "humble" he is.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Flight 370

It has been a long and strenuous week for the families who had loved ones on Flight 370. There is still hope in some families, but as the clock keeps ticking, reality has kicked in for others. The chances of finding the plane in the near future, and the chances of finding the survivors? Miniscule. But there still is hope, and all we can do is prey and give assurance to the families that have lost loved family members. But doctors such as Anthony Fawaz have said " It has been too long for them to live due to the fact that the lack of nutrients from a lack of food source. It is physically impossible for them to exceed two weeks without a average of 250 calories a day. Another major concern for the survivors on the plane is the fact that you cannot go over 72 hours without a intake of water." But some doctors disagree, as does doctor and pediatrician Sam Wolfe. " You never know, crazy thing can happen. But chances are they are dead." As we prey and support the families, all we can do is hope.